Tweets to Where all hope went to die

Where all hope went to die's avatar
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Where all hope went to die
Proud member of the American public. Left the GOP in 2009. Proud Grammy of three and Mom of 3 young men. The garden is my happy place.
Tweets to this user:
Sheldon Whitehouse's avatar
From @SenWhitehouse
Most Predictable Headline Award goes to: โ€œTrump @EPA Official... Arrested On Criminal Ethics Charges.โ€
Sandi Bachom's avatar
From @sandibachom
@SenWhitehouse @Hopewenttodie @EPA Good one @blatherat !
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@sandibachom: @blatherat snarks about Trump's "raking" claim. A real journalist would have found what Trump might have been told about: the Fixteri machine (look it up). Then she would have found experts to weigh in on if it would work in the USA. She's not a real journalist.